4th of July

Jennifer Willis
2 min readJul 4, 2020

July 4, 2018

The morning after the 2016 election, I told my crying son that as long as we’re here America can’t be all bad.

In our disgust and fear over what some Americans are currently doing, I think we lose sight of the fact that we’re America too.

I love America.

I love it for its hope and its promise.

I love it for my mom who was a public school teacher (and principal) for 40 years.

I love it for my dad who fought for her in World War II and then fought for her in the courtroom for the next 65 years.

I love it for Suzanne who runs a food bank.

For Kirstin who’s a minister and Jodi who’s a rabbi.

I love it for Sandhya who drove homeless voters to the polls in Ohio.

I love it for Joel and Alice who fight against climate change and to make us more sustainable.

I love it for Bruce, tirelessly politically active.

I love it for people of faith, who try to live the spirit of that faith in deeds not just words.

I love it for teachers, underpaid and undervalued, but committed to educating the future.

I love it for everyone who marches,

For everyone who calls their representative,

For everyone who donates to a campaign or to a cause.

I love it for every single public defender, tirelessly fighting for your clients’ rights, their humanity, their lives.

I love it for everyone who stands up and speaks out,

For everyone who plants their feet in the face of injustice or inequality and says Not on My Watch.

Every last one of you is America and I love America.

Happy Birthday!



Jennifer Willis

Defender of constitutional rights, opponent of tyranny, wrangler of children, movie watcher